W orldM agp;
(bon-EE-va) ibandronate sodium 150-mg tablet
What is BONIVA?
BONIVA, n bisphosphonate, is a prescription medicine used to treat and prevent osteoporosis in
postmenopausal women, characterised by weakening o f tile bone.
Taken once a month in tablet form, BONIVA may stop and reverse hone loss in most women.
It has been clinically proven to help build and maintain bone density, which can help reduce fractures.
What is the most important information about BONIVA?
BONIVA may cause serious problems in the stomach and the esophagus (the tube that connects your mouth and stomach) such as trouble swallowing heartburn, and ulcers.
Before you start BONIVA.
Do not take BONIVA it you:
* have abnormalities w ith your esophagus, such as
restriction o r difficulty swallowing
* have low blood calcium (hypocalcemia)
* cannot sit or stand lo r at least 60 minutes
* have kidneys that work very poorly
♦are allergic to BONIVA o r any o f its ingredients
See Patient Inform ation for complete list.
Tell your health care provider if you:
* are pregnant or plan to become pregnant
* are breast-feeding
* have trouble swallowing or other problems w ith your esophagus
* have kidney problems
* are planning a dental procedure such as tooth extraction
Tell your health care provider and dentist about all medications
you re taking, including vitamins, antacids, and supplements.
You must take BONIVA exactly as instructed by your health care
♦ Take first thing in the m orning, on the same day each month.
* Swallow whole (do not chew or suck) w ith a fu ll glass (6 to 8 oz) o f
plain water (notsparkling or mineral). Do not take w ith tea. collée,
juice, or m ilk,
♦ Alter you lake BONIVA, remain standing o r sitting for at least 60 minutes
before you eat, drink, lie down, or lake any other oral medications,
including calcium, vitamins, and antacids, Some medicines can stop
BONIVA from getting to your bones.
* If you take too much BONIVA, d rin k a lu ll glass o f m ilk and call your local
Do not make yourself vomit. Do not lie down.
* I f you miss a monthly dose and your next scheduled BONIVA day is mure
than 7 days aw ay, lake one BONIVA 150 mg tablet in the morning follow ing
the day that you remember. Do not take two 150 mg tablets w ithin the same
week. 3f your scheduled BONIVA day is only l to 7 days away, wait until
your next scheduled BONIVA day to take your tablet, I hen return to taking
one BONIVA 150 mg tablet every month in the morning o f your chosen day,
according to your original schedule. If you are not sure what to do if you miss
a dose, contact your health care provider, who w ill be able to advise you.
poison control center or emergency room right away.
Stop taking BONIVA and call your health care provider right away if you have pain or trouble swallowing, chest pain, or very
bad heartburn or heartburn that does not get better. Follow dosing instructions carefully to decrease the risk of these effects.
BONIVA may cause:
Common side effects are:
Less common side effects are:
+ Pain o r trouble swallowing
* Diarrhea
* Short-term, mild flu-like symptoms, which
* 1 f eartbu rn
* Pain in ex trem i tics (arms or legs)
u sual 1
y i m prove after t be fir si dose
♦ Ulcers in stomach or esophagus
• Upset stomach
Barely, patients have reported allergic and skin reactions. Contact your health eyre pru^ ider if you develop any symptoms o f yn allergic reaction including
skin rash (w ith or w ithout blisters), hives, wheezing, or swelling o f the face, lips, tongue, or throat. Get medical help rig ht away if you have trouble breathing,
swallowing, or fed light-headed.
Barely, patients have reported severe bone, jo in t, and/or muscle pain starting w ith in one day to several months after beginning to take oral hisphosphonate drugs.
Contact your health care provider if you develop these symptoms after starting BONIVA.
Barely, patients have reported serious jaw problems associated w ith delayed healing and infection, often follow ing dental procedures such as tooth extraction.
If you experience jaw problems, contact your health care provider and dentist.
This summary is not a complete list o f side effects. l or a complete list, consult your health care provider or pharmacist.
Want to know more?
This summary 3s not everything you need to know about BONIVA* It does not take the place o f talking w ith your health care provider about your condition or
treatment. I or more complete inform ation, lalk lo yo u r health care provider or pharmacist.
Visit mybdfiiva.com or call I-88-8-MyBONIVA for the complete Prescribing Inform ation, which includes the Patiem Information,
A Member o f the Roche Group
Revised: March 2010
© 2010 by Genentech USA, Inc. AEI rights reserved,
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